Refreshing Annual Refresher

We have all set through miserable annual refresher training counting down the hours and trying not to fall asleep. So the big question is, how do we make it engaging?

First, the training has to meet all applicable requirements. Review your plan to see what is required, but it must include:

Part 46

  • Changes on the mine that could affect health and safety

  • Other Health and Safety subjects that are relevant at the mine

Part 48 (underground)

  • Mandatory health and safety standards

  • Transportation controls and communication systems

  • Barricading

  • Roof or ground control, ventilation, emergency evacuation and firefighting plans

  • First aid

  • Electrical hazards

  • Prevention of accidents

  • Self-rescue and respiratory devices

  • Hands-on training in the complete donning of all types of self-contained self-rescue devices used at the mine

  • Hands-on training in transferring between all applicable self-rescue devices

  • Explosives (if used or stored on mine site)

  • Mine gases

  • Health

  • Such other courses as may be required by the District Manager.

Part 48 (surface)

  • Mandatory health and safety standards

  • Transportation controls and communication systems

  • Escape, emergency evacuation and firefighting plans

  • Ground control; working in areas of highwalls, water hazards, pits, and spoil banks; illumination and night work

  • First aid

  • Electrical hazards

  • Prevention of accidents

  • Explosives (if used or stored on mine site)

  • Health

  • Self-rescue and respiratory devices

  • Such other courses as may be required by the District Manager.

Now comes the important part: how to keep everyone engaged?

  • Interacting with miners - Have them share their experiences

  • Play games - Stuff as simple as dividing into teams and playing jeopardy can go a long way in engaging others

  • know the source material and be excited - they will take their queue off of you. If you are bored, they will be too.

  • Call on miners when questions arise.

  • Share personal experiences that are relevant - make emotional connections

  • Choose subjects that are of particular interest - go over the accidents and injuries at your mine or mines that are similar. Don’t just read them, discuss them. understand them.

  • Talk about violations that were received by MSHA during inspections.

  • Give stickers and small prizes - this can go a long way to keeping interest.

  • Keep subjects shorter and relevant

Watch the room, see when people are starting to glaze over. Then it is time to shift the discussion, engage miners, take breaks.

Ultimately, try to keep them engaged more than re-engaging them.

Remember, this training is supposed to refresh their base training to keep them working safely throughout the year.


Respiratory Protection and ASTM F3387-19